Individual Plans

Health Insurance - Individual

Health Insurance Marketplace Key Dates

See if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP)

Life Insurance

We specialize in term policies and Guaranteed Universal Life (GUL) from well known major carriers. Innovative offerings in GUL provide riders for return of principal (ROP) and early payout under critical and terminal illness riders. Any early payout may also reduce future benefits and premiums. Another GUL provision may be payment of premium due to illness. Furthermore, GUL premium can be guaranteed up to age 120. The longer the guarantee, higher the premium, but with ROP rider, the higher cost of GUL makes it a formidable competitor to term policy. Depending on your financial situation, the old adage "buy only term when young" may or may not be the best approach. Call us for a complete evaluation of your policies and coverage needs.

Disability & Long-Term Care Insurance

Call for competitive quotes.